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Dear Friend,

In these times of chaos, COVID-19 is being used by Globalists as a Trojan Horse to destroy our democracy and push through a new one World Totalitarian Government. To remove our civil liberties, human rights and basic freedoms, as we have seen already occur in the police surveillance state of Victoria, Melbourne, we urgently need Independent Media more then ever. We can no longer rely or trust mainstream media who many now consider to be “traitors” to Australia and other counties such as New Zealand, America, England and most countries around the world and pushing the Globalist narratives to deceive and mislead on a grand scale. You turn to the Australian National Review now because you trust that when we’re reporting on the pandemic or the uprisings against police brutality—or the climate crisis—our coverage is not brought to you by billionaire Globalists, fossil fuel, insurance or the Industrial Military Complex or Big Pharma or Vaccine cronies like Bill Gates and his controlled WHO or other enemies of the people.

We count on YOU to make our work possible. Today, a generous supporter will match your new monthly donation to the Australian National Review meaning your donation will go twice as far. This is a challenging time for us all, but if you’re able to make a monthly donation and provide us with support we can rely on all year, please do so today. We also ask you apart from sharing our articles and sending in valuable information to us, to contact mainstream media advertisers and tell them if they don’t shift some of their advertising to independent media such as the Australian National Review then you will boycott their products. This is one way to hit mainstream media where it hurts them the most

United we stand, divided we fall.

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As a not for profit we need to raise millions to compete against our foreign billion dollar mainstream media competitors.

Yours Sincerely
Jamie McIntyre

Founder of
The Australian National Review

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